• jcnetworking
Whats is Modules in Terraform

Whats is Modules in Terraform


Modules in Terraform

when your terraform infrastructure grows, modules helps you.

  • Easy to manage your resources and clean
  • Easilier to read and understand, avoid a huge project all in tf file)
Main – variable
Websever – variable
Subnet – variable



code as Link as above

If you copy the code (Git clone), then you type “terraform init”. This time, you will see a little different then before. Initializing Modules <–you will see additional 2 directory under this title.

Not only that. Under your terraform project folder, you should able to see, an json file has been added.

terraform init
Json file


Now we use terrafomr apply

terraform apply


Terraform Lock

Locking state – which is prevening the tfsate file get conflict/crash. You can imagine you and your colleage working at the same terraform project. So when you are implement the terraform, terraform will put tfstate in a locking state.

I put Locking state in AWS DynamoDB. If you go to Table -> explore items. you will see that there will be LockID in the table.



2 x EC2 instances are created. as we have put “user_data” in place.

#! /bin/bash
sudo yum update -y && sudo yum install docker -y
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user
newgrp docker 
docker run -p 8080:80 nginx

We can access to the nginx server with the public IP : 8080. Public IP has been provided by “output”

2 EC2 instance created.


Don’t forget to “terraform destroy”

terraform destroy

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